I'm one of these medical mystery types. Described as "a complicated case" in case I hadn't noticed over the past three and a half years, I think we're finally getting somewhere. This is my diary of living with the illness and disabilities, without knowing what I'm fighting.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Continued struggles

Since we're getting closer to diagnosing the lupus, it seems like my joints are getting worse. I don't think I ever really thought that my joint pains were lupus related, the main ones anyway.
For example, the shoulder that was bothering me doesn't so much any more, but my hips and knees seem worse than ever, and I genuinely think they're related to the back, as I had some hip pain before I became ill, and my rheumatologist thinks my back problems could be a rheumatoid arthritis, which would be very odd if there weren't any other joints affected.
I personally think that my walking would be much easier if I used crutches when I was in a lot of pain, but I have had a bit of a battle with my mum about this. Apparently most people with illnesses and disabilities have problems with their parents about things similar to this. My mother seemed to think that
a)I just "fancied them",
b)that using them would make me more disabled, and
c)that she basically won't accept it until a doctor says to me "you need to use crutches"
which is silly because:
a) I don't want crutches, they'd be very inconvenient, how would I carry anything?!
b) They make me LESS disabled because at the moment I can barely walk a few aisles of a supermarket (although that's partly the fatigue from the lupus) because my legs are very painful and
c) They won't do that, because they don't know how much pain I'm in, and they don't want their patients to be deteriorating.

Anyway, that's my rant over, and onto happier news. Someone I know who's had a similar chronic pain problem for many many years is today having surgery which they hope will correct her problem :) She's been suffering for such a long time, its very good news that they can help her :)

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